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Partnership With Native Americans - Building Strong, Self-Sufficient Native American Communities


“Serving immediate needs. Supporting long-term solutions.”


“Strong, self-sufficient Native American communities.”

We’ve Changed Our Name!! We have always been proud of our partnership with Native Americans, and now we further proclaim it by announcing our new organizational name: Partnership With Native Americans (PWNA).

Formerly known as National Relief Charities (NRC), our new name better communicates our mission and honors our relationships with tribal communities, as well as those who aid our work. Our new name will help us strengthen resources for serving Native communities with the highest need in the U.S.

Please update your bookmarks to reflect the new website's URL: The old NRC website will no longer be updated.

Native American Elder opening door of traditional home to accept supplies.
Strong in tradition and values, but
lacking in resources.

National Relief Charities (NRC) is a nonprofit dedicated to quality of life for Native Americans living on remote and poverty-stricken reservations in the Northern Plains and Southwest regions of the United States. Native Americans are the most underserved group in America.

We serve tribal and other programs that are located and operated on the reservations we serve. These are our Program Partners. They are in the best position to know the people and the needs in their communities.

How We Help Partners Improve Quality of Life: We provide opportunities year-round that help more than 1,000 reservation Program Partners meet immediate needs and develop long-term solutions that better serve their communities.

Working together, NRC and our Program Partners are improving quality of life for about one quarter of a million Native Americans each year.

Elder receiving wood

NRC's approach to working in Indian country is time-tested. We also bring cultural competency to the field. Every member of our program team has experience working on the reservations.

We bring respect and support to our partner programs. When Native American partners work with National Relief Charities and achieve good results, it helps them be seen as strong leaders in their communities, which paves the way for future community impact.

Every service that NRC delivers has an earning and learning component. We involve the people being served in the delivery of the service, affording them dignity, confidence, self-esteem, and a way to give back to their communities. Our Program Partners recruit hundreds of volunteers each year, knowing that change comes from within and that involvement supports change at an individual and community level.

LAST YEAR:  Requests for Aid: 5,707  |  Shipments of Aid: 5,659  |  People Served: 262,318

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