Students and Institutions: All applications have been moved to the new AIEF website.
Please go to to learn more.
The Challenge Grant service acts as a catalyst for the creation of new Native American scholarships by encouraging public and tribal colleges to seek funds specifically for this purpose. At selected schools*, The AIEF program offers up to $20,000 annually for three years to match new gifts.
Donors are typically more generous when they know their gifts will be multiplied by a challenge grant.
The money goes to work immediately at each institution, allowing bright and talented students to focus on their studies instead of financial concerns. In addition, the Challenge Grant service draws attention to the needs of Native American students at partnering institutions.
Each partner institution must provide a student center for Native Americans, which helps counter the sense of isolation that many minority students experience. Our staff also visits scholarship students throughout the year to offer advice and encouragement.
We know that the resources our donors commit to helping these students will pay dividends far into the future.