CIN is now SWRA 1 2 3

Did you know... suicide by Native American youth is 3 times the national average? 1 2 3

What would you do...  If you had to choose between food and fuel? 1 2 3

About Us


Native Americans living on the rural and remote reservations of the Southwest struggle daily with isolation, limited employment opportunities, and a harsh and resource-poor environment. Poverty is all too common, and weighs most heavily on those most fragile especially Elders and their multi-generational extended families. The Council of Indian Nations provides program services that benefit Native Americans throughout the desert southwest.


Success Stories

During the World War II era, Edena reminisced about how they had to ration their items like sugar and gas. When asked to talk about Christmas during that time, she shared that people made things for one another — like crafts or baked bread.


Danny was raised traditionally, but in a different sense than what one would usually imagine. His mother was Apache and his step-father was Japanese.