
The Council of Indian Nations program delivers a broad range of services to poor and isolated Native American communities on Southwest reservations.

The CIN program has developed a unique approach in helping to ease the hardship these communities experience, and places special emphasis on helping Native American Elders live in dignity and comfort.

CIN services focus on:
Winter Fuel: Ensuring Elders stay warm in the winter through distribution of fuel vouchers.

Food: Delivers nutritious food to partners who prepare food on a regular basis at elder nutrition centers.

Health: Providing incentive items to encourage attendance at diabetes screenings, nutrition and cooking classes, or exercise classes.

Weatherization and Home Safety: Helping make homes more weatherproof and safe for Elderly residents along with emergency kits that provide needed supplies in inclement winter.

Hug-a-Bear: Working with medical and rescue teams to get stuffed animals into the hands of children in crises.

Thanksgiving: Serving thousands of Thanksgiving meals.

Christmas: Providing holiday meals and gift packages for Elders and their families.

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