Services: Winter Fuel

ElderWhile many people think of hot and arid desert when thinking of the southwestern United States, winters are actually a challenging and dangerous time for many Native American Elders and families.  When resources are stretched to their limit, having the funds needed to acquire adequate fuel for the winter months can seem impossible.

Heat is critical when temperatures drop below freezing.  For most Americans, it is hard to contemplate going just one night without heat.  Even dealing with temperatures at 50° without some source of heat would be very uncomfortable, especially when dealing with other health issues such as diabetes and heart problems.  Many Elders on southwestern reservations face this fear night after night as the temperatures plunge below freezing?   Record temperatures in Winslow, Arizona have dipped as low as -13°.

Our Winter Fuel service provides voucher assistance towards fuel bills during winter months.  The credit may be applied to electric or propane heating, whichever the Elder uses. 

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