
Many resources are used to document the information presented on the Council of Indian Nations' website. We have first hand accounts from the Indian people we serve as well as newspapers, both Native American and main stream, and data obtained from well respected publications and research documents by noted authors. The following are some of the resources we have researched to provide an accurate and respectful look at the Indian people we work with and serve.

Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country.
Edited and compiled by Veronica E. Velarde Tiller, published by BowArrow Publishing Company in 1996, this is an excellent reference guide to every reservation in the United States. Complete with historical facts and information about current governmental and economic structures on the reservations.

The Encyclopedia of Native American Biography: Six Hundred Life Stories of Important People from Powhatan to Wilma Mankiller.
By Bruce E. Johansen and Donald A. Grinde, Jr., published by Henry Holt in 1997, this is an excellent collection of biographies of 600 American Indian lives.
Native American History : A Chronology of the Vast Achievements of a Culture and Their Links to World Events.
By Judith Nies, published by Ballantine Books in 1996, this is a wonderful chronology of events in American Indian history that compares these events to what was happening in the rest of the world at the same time.

From the Heart: Voices of the American Indian.
Edited by Lee Miller, published by Knopf in 1995, this is a fascinating book with quotes from and about American Indians through time. The quotes range from great wisdom to demonstrations of cruelty. Several of the quotes in this web site are taken from this book.

American Indian Almanac.
Published by World Publishing in 1971, this is a wonderful reference guide to many Indian people through history. Interesting and well-documented facts.

A Guide to America’s Indians — Ceremonials, Reservations, and Museums.
Published by the University of Oklahoma Press in 1974, this little offbeat guide to American Indians brings a different perspective to Indian people.