
Planned Giving Options

The Goal

The Benefits

What to Do

Will or Living Trust

Make a donation to CIN without it affecting you during your lifetime

Reduce your estate and capital gains taxes

Name CIN as a beneficiary in your will or living trust

Life Insurance

Donate a large financial resource either now at little cost to you or later without it affecting you during your lifetime

Income tax deductions if you transfer the policy to CIN

Donate paid-up life insurance policies


Transfer ownership of an existing policy


Begin a new insurance policy naming CIN as the owner and beneficiary

Retirement Plan

Donate to CIN and avoid the tax burden for your loved ones

Reduce the estate and income taxes that your spouse or beneficiary will incur, allowing a greater amount to be used toward a great cause

Name CIN as the beneficiary of your retirement plan

If you have any questions, please contact our Planned Giving Department at (877) 853-6474.  You are also encouraged to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
  Click here to request more information or visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section!