Services: Food

Two Elders Eating.All of us hope to live out our days in dignity and with a minimum of comfort, but this simple goal is out of reach for many Elders on the remote reservations of the Southwest.

Sadly many of these Elders have very little income and subsist on inadequate Social Security or poorly funded Tribal programs. Transportation is always difficult to find so many Elders have great difficulty getting to stores that are often hours away. For those that do find a way to get to a store their meager income does not allow them to purchase necessities such as clothing, shoes, medical supplies, or even food. The isolation, insufficient income and lack of transportation all combine to create a lifestyle of inactivity which for many Elderly, may lead to depression and poor health.

Many Elders depend on access to an Elder Nutrition Center which is often located in a surrounding community. Elder Nutrition Centers struggle to stretch their meager budgets each month in order to meet the growing costs of feeding a growing elderly population. Often these Centers must sacrifice buying healthy foods such as fresh produce and dairy, for the less expensive pre-packaged and processed foods.

Elder Nutrition Centers (ENCs) use bulk food items donated by the CIN program, and that frees up funds for purchasing meat, dairy items, and fresh produce. Our Food service also provides fresh fruits and vegetables in season. As a result, ENCs are able to feed more Elders, and feed them high-quality, balanced meals.
In 2008, CIN services helped feed about 29,700 Elders hot meals, five days a week.

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