Success Stories

Thanksgiving Service Story

It's hard to find a town more remote than Cibecue, Arizona (pop. 1700). Tucked away in the eastern region of the state, it has only one business a lumbermill and a gas station whose convenience store provides the only regular daily shopping available to residents. In the past few years Cibecue has been hit by many forest fires; the nearby hills are scarred with brown burned patches where you should see tall pine trees. The fires have devastated the community, removing the town’s principal source of livelihood and leaving it vulnerable to flash floods from the bare mountain slopes. As they struggle to get by, residents of Cibecue deeply appreciate any assistance. 

Thirty two families in Cibecue have been the recipient of CIN's Thanksgiving service. The meals, delivered to Elders, included a whole turkey, potatos, stuffing, vegetables, cranberries, and pumpkin pie — and delivery service! Because so many Elders have no transportation, community volunteers joined with our staff to deliver the food to the families.

Read about CIN's Thanksgiving Service...

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