
Be Native Aware.

The list of disparities facing our First Nations is endless, but working together, we can make a difference.

Here are 8 ways you can spread the word to create a more Native Aware world. Check out these videos and downloads and share them — be sure to tag #NativeAware and #PWNA4hope on all your shares!

  1. Be #NativeAware and learn how PWNA assists Native American tribes all year long:
  2. Be #NativeAware of COVID-19 disparities for tribes and share our mask store to help raise donations:
  3. Be #NativeAware of education barriers that are unique to Native American students:
  4. Be #NativeAware of food insecurity and health challenges for Native Americans:
  5. Be #NativeAware of the need for animal rescue and placement in remote reservation communities:
  6. Be #NativeAware of how disaster relief is different for American Indian reservations:
  7. Be #NativeAware of reservation challenges from education to healthcare and housing:
  8. Be #NativeAware of the facts not the myths about ‘free’ funding for Native Americans:

Be Native Aware.

Donate to Help Today

Help everyone be #NativeAware for a brighter future!

#PWNA4hope www.nativeaware.org